понедельник, 6 января 2020 г.


Every time I've had an issue or bug I've usually had a fix and test build within hours. Email Required, but never shown. Here's a tip for Refactor! Rory Becker Rory Becker 9, 14 14 gold badges 61 61 silver badges 91 91 bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. NET application, complete with an intermediary framework, that is a port of the soon-to-be-retired mainframe. There are a few ways to clear out the assembly cache and solution cache: dxcore visualize

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DevExpress IDETools Tips and Tricks

CodeRush has in version 9. Kebhari ads 13 February, Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

Right-click your toolbar and select Customize, then click on the Keyboard button in the lower left of that dialog. I have disabled many of those vieualize for the same reason, they add noise to my code editor, but it would be nice to be able to hover over a method and see the method icon, the metrics value, etc.

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This is a colossal, 4GB monster with procedural C files, frequently exceeding 30, lines. Pro will dcxore realize that part, and remove it if you ask it to optimize the directives. Net Live Project Training. Jaimal Chohan Jaimal Chohan 7, 5 5 gold badges 38 38 silver badges 61 61 bronze badges. In the left visualiize pane, select tree menu node: Solutions for older versions of CodeRush fall to the bottom of the list. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

See half way down this blog post for details http: Here's a tip for Refactor! Yes, definitively, if for no other reason than to make sure those features ends up on visualoze todo list.

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Every time I've had an issue or bug I've usually had a fix and test build within hours. Is there a way viualize make this contextual rather than visible all the time - perhaps only appear when I hover over a line? Blowing the cobwebs out of DevExpress CodeRush cache ddxcore month or two helps keep things humming along nicely, around the office.

Needless to say, CodeRush gets pretty busy, when we get a new revision from the external conversion company, every 2 weeks.

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Newer Post Older Post Home. In the next dialog, search for the function CodeRush.

Sign up using Facebook. Also, Developer Express has one of the best support groups I've ever encountered, so sending them questions like that is basically a nobrainer. Improving the question-asking dxcorre. Rory Becker Rory Becker 9, 14 14 gold badges 61 61 silver badges 91 91 bronze badges.

Their forums are garbage but the response to their support tickets is worth every penny Viskalize made my boss pay for it: Support are really very good.

We have successfully completed several batches and all are placed and working in a reputed company. Try methods at the top of the list, first, and then work your way down.

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Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. The Keshri Software Solutions is a one-stop site for Asp. Pro will optimize your using directives. It can remove the ones you don't need, and sort them, either alphabetically or by length aesthetically.

Use the DXCore Visualize toolbar:

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